Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vince's Italian Restaurant, August 14 2009

This restaurant had always caught our attention. The sign that says old fashioned and established 1946 was something to get us in there...There was actually free dinner over at my grandpas but instead I had made a reservation for my mom, dad, christy and amy at Vince's.
To our surprise there was not much in the menu, very simple and the choices were: spaghetti, lasagna and ravioli. Dad was dissappointed thinking there was veal parmigina but then I did expect a good meat sauce and yes indeed that's what we got. The only thing missing was the italian spices that should have been in the red sauce. A dash of fresh basil, oregano, and other spices would have made it 100% old fashioned and original. Moms other comment was the parmesan cheese, fresh grated parmesan cheese would have added that perfect touch.....

All together the experience was 3 star for an old fashioned Italian restaurant....

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